History Resources


There are dozens of local history publications for this area. Many are in PDF format and are free to download here. More publications will be added as soon as permissions from publishers for each grants permission. Watch this page.

In process of adding stuff… 28/7/2022

Cuilcagh + Anierin Project – Presentation Dowra 2022

On  7th June 2022 Gaby did a presentation to Cuilcagh + Slieve Anieran project. The presentation can be viewed as a Quicktime video – large file, 230mb, download. Remember it can be paused to read text or view PDF alongside video. (25 minutes video)

Download Link: (Glangevlin section separate)

Cuilcagh Anierin Rock Art Presentation.mp4


You can download a PDF copy of the content at the link below:

Cuilcagh Anierin Presentation 2022.pdf 35mb



Cuilcagh Anierin Presentation Glangevlin section:

The Glangevlin section looks at sweat houses, Seán Éamoinn Ruairí Trail and Shannon river stepping stones. (5 minutes video)

Download Link:

Seán Éamoinn Ruairí Trail small.m4v 40mb


Download Brochure:

Seán Éamoinn Ruairí Brochure.pdf

Download the poster: Seán Éamoinn Ruairí Trail Poster.jpg



On 17th October 2019 Gaby did a presentation to Cuilcagh to Cleenish group, you can download a PDF copy of the content at the link below:


Gaby’s talk to Cuilcagh to Cleenishxx.pdf 55mb


History of Killinagh Parish published on the centenary year 1996. Editors: Fr. Gus Leaden, Jim Nolan.


Download book link: (Note large file 10mb.)

Killinagh History BookR2.pdf 10 MB



On 17th October 2019 Gaby did a presentation to Cuilcagh to Cleenish group, you can download a PDF copy of the content at the link below:


Gaby’s talk to Cuilcagh to Cleenishxx.pdf 55mb



On 17th February 2020 Gaby did a presentation to Marlbank Farmers for Ulster Wildlife, you can download a PDF copy of the content at the link below:


Gaby’s talk to Ulster Wildlife.pdf 34 MB


This is an animation showing how the Marlbank Loop was completed and shows paths from the 19th Century.

Now Downloadable:

Download Link:

When Turkeys chewed Tobacco – G Sheridan.pdf 28 MB

NEWS – Book available for first time as a PDF.

When Turkeys chewed Tobacco

Memories from south-west Ulster


George Sheridan

This book was published nearly 20 years ago, is now largely out of print (the book is still on sale at Harold Johnston’s shop, Blacklion). It is here released in .pdf format.

NOTE: Although the book is available freely here under copyright laws you may not copy from it or share it by any means. Please see the copyright page in the pdf.

A special thanks is due to David Wilson and the Wilson family for making this digital copy available.

George Sheridan’s world is a world of turf banks, thatch, mummers, fairies and cures and charms. He was a renowned storyteller.It is a most significant contribution to the local history of two parishes on either side of the border between Fermanagh and Cavan. His memoir records the building of the mountain road which gave access to the Marlbank, the first ‘tallies’ in the town of Enniskillen, and the rise and fall of the cattle fairs during De Valera’s economic war.

Now Downloadable:

Download Link:


Jones GLl Burns G Fogg T and Kelly JG 1997 The Caves of Fermanagh and Cavan 2nd Edition The Lough Nilly Press, DigRel.pdf


NEWS – Book available for first time as a PDF.

The Caves of Fermanagh and Cavan, 2nd edition, published 22 years ago, is now out of print. It is released as a PDF here. Work on an updated and expanded third edition is underway.

This is most timely as Cuilcagh to Cleenish is bringing together historical resources for the area. Most non-cavers are unaware of the significance or extent of our local caves. This book provides a complete catalogue of caves here with photos, maps and surveys. Although there have been numerous additional caves discovered since publication, this book gives a very good overview of the main caves and presents them in the context of the local landscape and geology. For many non-cavers this may be the first time they get an opportunity to find out what is beneath our feet in our own locality.

NOTE: Although the book is available freely here under copyright laws you may not copy from it or share it by any means, please see the copyright page in the pdf.

Jones G. Ll., Burns G., Fogg T. and Kelly J. G. 1997. The Caves of Fermanagh and Cavan 2nd Edition. © The Lough Nilly Press, Florencecourt

A View from the Hanging Rock

Volume 1 1990

By Killesher Historical Society

This book was published 30 years ago, is now out of print. It is here released in digital format as a PDF.   

NOTE: Although the book is available freely here under copyright laws you may not copy from it or share it by any means, please see the copyright page in the pdf.

All rights are reserved by © Killesher Historical Society

View from Hanging Rock Vol 1.pdf 4 MB

A View from the Hanging Rock

Volume 2 1992

By Killesher Historical Society

This book was published nearly 28 years ago, is now out of print. It is here released in digital format as a PDF.   

NOTE: Although the book is available freely here under copyright laws you may not copy from it or share it by any means, please see the copyright page in the pdf.

All rights are reserved by © Killesher Historical Society.

View from Hanging Rock Vol 2.pdf 8 MB

Establishment of National Schools 1850s onwards 

The very first applications for National schools were made from the 1850s onwards. It is quite amazing to be able to see the original documentation relating to the setting up of each National school over 150 years ago. These records can be seen in the Public Records Office in Belfast. (PRONI) or in the National Archives, Dublin. They are large printed forms part of which were filled out by the school manager and then the inspector would complete the remaining part. There are also inspectors’ registers, salary books and school registers. 

Gaby Burns transcribed most of these records and they are published here for the first time.

National schools establishment .pdf 2 MB


Killesher 1828-1862

& Famine stats.


Download Link:

killesher 1828-1862 Famine stats.pdf 6 MB







Killesher Griffiths revision books.


Download Link:

Killesher-griffiths-cancelled.pdf 2 MB








1911 Census Killesher


Alicia Wiggans

Download link

Killesher 1911 Database Alicia’s.pdf 2 MB








1901 Census Killesher.


Download Link:

1901 Census Killesher 2003all.pdf 8 MB


Archaeological Lithic Tools Finds By Gortatole Staff & Students

Download link 

Archeological Finds Macnean 2006.pdf 2 MB

Dr. Scott Martin

Inishee Island excavation


Download link:

Scott Martin ReportOCR.pdf 7 MB

Dr John Kelly Petrography and lithology of Macnean lithics.

Download link:

John Kelly Petrography+lithology.pdf 2 MB

Prehistoric chert quarry cave


Report by several authors

Download Link:

Chert quarry cave.pdf 26 MB



Killesher Community Map 2000

People do not live their lives according to lines on maps and they often call places by names found on no official document. Accordingly, this is a map like no other, it gives priority to local names and marks places which exist nowhere except in people’s memory.

Download Link:

Killesher Community Map.pdf 1 MB




Download book link: (Note very large file 76mb.)

Belcoo Book History index FINAL.pdf 76 MB


Download Belcoo streetscape book link for PDF showing ownership of buildings from 1862 onwards:

Belcoo streetscape.pdf



This is a detailed banner map of whole Burren-Marlbank area, zoom in for detail or download full version below.


Download Link:

New Crossmurrin Print Banner medium.JPG 13 MB